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Puppy Pop-Ins and Toilet Breaks

At Ochil Paws I understand that a new puppy can bring a lot of pleasure and excitement but I know that during the day you may be at work and feel you must rush home to allow your puppy time to go outside for his or her toilet breaks or to play for a short time before heading back to work. I can take the stress out of your working day and visit your puppy once, twice or even three times a day to make sure his or her needs are met.

I will provide your puppy with his comfort break then spend some time with him, playing games and stimulating him before taking him out again before I leave. I will also change any puppy pads in the crate or in the house.


Puppy Pop-Ins last for up to 20 minutes where I can freshen his water and, if it is raining when I take him outside, I will dry him off as best I can so he doesn’t get too cold. I can even text you at work and let you know how he is doing.

Toilet breaks are important for adult dogs too. Fully grown dogs can hold on to their urine for a long time but if they hold on too long this can eventually cause kidney damage. In order to avoid this, Ochil Paws offers a chance for your dog to go outside and relieve himself. Older dogs also need the chance to go outside and this service is ideal for them as they may not be as fit as they once were, and may not be able to walk very far.


I clear up after your dog and as with the puppy service, the water will be freshened and on rainy days I will dry him once back inside and settle him down before leaving.

Terms and conditions apply.

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